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These guys
can make Houdini look like a dime store magician. Siberian Huskies
have the intelligence and swiftness that can rival this famous magician
and have you blinking your eyes and staring in disbelief as they squeeze
through the smallest of holes, break or chew their way out of a tie-out,
kennel or crate and run through an electric fence like it was not
even on! Some Siberians will actually calculate and plan their escape
and it will be something that you NEVER even thought of in a million
years! Some first time Siberian owners have witnessed first hand these
Houdini escape plans.
Picture in
your mind if you could:
A seemingly
sleeping Siberian laying peaceful and quiet in the kitchen on the
cool tile, looking like a little angel that is dreaming of treats
and lots of love...BEWARE as things are not always what they seem!
You go to open the front door (which is 20 ft from the kitchen) to
step outside, all dressed up to go to the mall for some shopping
when over your shoulder you feel a bit of a breeze and some soft fur.
Then all the sudden you look in front of you
there she is,
your sweet peacefully sleeping angel looking at you with the "catch-me-if-you-can"
look and instantly takes off at full throttle! You immediately slam
the door to prevent the others from following her lead and drop everything
at your front door and proceed to run after your angel. After running
faster than you ever thought you could, through thorny bushes, disgusting
pond water, mud and several neighbors' yards while screaming in your
cell phone to your other half to get the car here NOW, you see your
angel is cornered. Aha
you've got her! Just as you are centimeters
from her collar she slips to get around you and you whirl around at
the same time only to grab some tail hair. Your angel, now in full
swing thinking this game is the greatest, continues running. At this
point you have gotten half the neighbors and their kids involved trying
to at least keep her in your sight
you see her turn the corner
toward the house
oh no, you lost site of her! As you increase
your speed, with your heart ready to explode out of your chest, you
see your other half pull up, open the car door, and your Angel jumps
in ready to go for a ride.
Even experienced
Siberian owners learn quickly to anticipate any and every escape route
and are usually always one step ahead of their swift and/or mischievous
Siberian. These intelligent dogs are always learning new things, and
FYI - monkey see monkey do! The more they watch you do something,
the quicker they learn how to do it! We have seen Sibes who could open
ANY door, including one that was dead bolted! If you live with a Sibe
you will certainly learn quickly that you have never seen it all.
A Siberian household MUST learn the tricks of the trade quickly, before
their Siberian does a disappearing act on them!
Some tricks
of the trade known by experienced owners are:
leaving through doors with an intentional delay. If you must use them
be sure you set it closed behind you. These doors offer an opportunity
of which any red-blooded Siberian will certainly take advantage.
The proper
way to leave and enter your home is to ALWAYS do a head count and
be aware of where your Sibes are when you are coming and going.
We recommend that you place door latches up high. And always lock doors to the world outside, even if you are home! Youd be surprised
what a Sibe can do when faced with a challenge, they thrive on them!
use a semi-choke, gentle leader or harness when walking your Siberian,
NEVER attach the lead to the collar, collars are easily slipped to
go chase the neighborhood cat or an enticing squirrel.
When getting
out of the car, ALWAYS have hold of your dogs leash, lots of Sibes
will jump right over you when a car door is open! If you have someone
with you have him or her hold the leashes until you get out and open
the dog's door and have the leashes securely.
leave your Sibe outside in your yard unattended! Even a minute leaves
them ample opportunity to jump or dig out and run free.

"Ta Da! Ok now you can put the food up here too!"
to Husky Ed

are in desperate need of Foster homes to help save more Siberians
from neglect, abuse, abandonment and illness. We can not save
these precious fur balls without your help. If you can open your
heart and home to just one fur ball you can make a difference!
By becoming a Foster you are not only saving a life, you are helping
give a Siberian a chance at a new home...a new life! Can you look
into this fur babies eyes and not want to help? Click HERE
to find out more!
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