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- bútter flí)
These social
butterflies are very pack oriented and hospitable. They bond easily
with their families, whether it includes humans, other dogs or even
CATS! Because of this trait they are not to be left alone for long periods
of time. They crave and require the companionship of other animals and/or
humans. If left to their own devices with nothing around to occupy themselves
they can sometimes be quite destructive and vocal. Even in pairs they
seem to crave mischief. First the howling begins or an escape route
excavation begins or worse yet something you really liked or use daily
is destroyed. For example an overturned trashcan can turn your house
into the county landfill in a matter of seconds. After all, they have
to pick through the trash to get to the "good" stuff, then
after the "feast" they like to run through the house with
what remains, so you can't tell where the trail began! Below are some
examples from very bored Siberians:)
We are not saying
that Siberians can't live happily as "only children", there
are plenty out there that love to be the one and only spoiled Siberian!
Nor are we saying that Siberians can only live happy lives in homes
where someone is home 24/7. In this day and age we WISH we could do
that! If you are a willing Siberian owner there is ALWAYS a way. While
you are out working you can easily curb a bored Siberian by using a
strong crate.
Now some people
think a crate is a dog prison or doggie jail. This is not the case.
When used properly a crate can be a safe place or den for the Siberian.
Siberians are denning animals by nature and look for the close and
confined security that a crate can give them. It also can protect them
from chewing on wires and other unsafe items and hurting themselves.
Have you ever noticed how your Sibe sleeps under your computer desk
or coffee table or under the bed? Now what does that remind you of?
Still can't guess? Try picturing a gate on it? Give up? A crate!

Keno is trying to figure out how much
trouble he will get into if he shreds the books in the bookcase,
Hmmmm.... better not chance it!

This bed has been declared a "girls
only" zone! Sorry Dad, but hey if you stack all our beds
together I am sure you will be comfy! |

It's a herd of huskies .... down on the
farm..Mooo..err I mean Woooooo!

This was once a wall, until a Sibe got bored.

Nikita, Chloe, Sasha, MacKenzie and Zoe think
Dad took the crate look a little too far.

Timber and Dakota pose for a picture... hoping
Mom and Dad won't notice the mayhem behind them.

Kodi enjoys playtime with his baby brother!

This Sibe loves to ride the coasters with
his human companion!
to Husky Ed

are in desperate need of Foster homes to help save more Siberians
from neglect, abuse, abandonment and illness. We can not save
these precious fur balls without your help. If you can open your
heart and home to just one fur ball you can make a difference!
By becoming a Foster you are not only saving a life, you are helping
give a Siberian a chance at a new home...a new life! Can you look
into this fur babies eyes and not want to help? Click HERE
to find out more!
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